Studio Opening Times
July and August 2020
Studio Opening Times - Saturdays and Sundays, 11am - 4.30pm
Due to the challenging circumstances we are all living through, the studios are only open for two days a week at the moment due to family and other commitments, with the aim of being able to open four days a week again as the year progresses. We have introduced a number of measures following the government guidelines for working and shopping safely during the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic, these include:
Face coverings must be worn in the cottage and studios.
Due to the challenging circumstances we are all living through, the studios are only open for two days a week at the moment due to family and other commitments, with the aim of being able to open four days a week again as the year progresses. We have introduced a number of measures following the government guidelines for working and shopping safely during the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic, these include:
- If you or anyone at home has a temperature or a new, persistent cough, visitors are politely requested to not enter the cottage or studios.
Face coverings must be worn in the cottage and studios.
- Only 2 people or 1 family from the same household in the studios at any time.
- Visitors are advised to use the alcohol hand sanitiser provided on stations situated both on entering the cottage and on entering Victoria's Studio.
- Visitors are encouraged to wear face coverings/masks in the cottage and studios as this is mandatory in shops now.
- Visitors are requested to keep a safe (2 metre) distance from others; To not touch their eyes, nose or mouth and to cover coughs and sneezes with their elbow or tissue.
- Visitors are politely requested to only handle items that they intend to buy.
- Doors will be left open so that handles need not be touched.
Thank you to all our visitors for their patience and understanding in these challenging times.
Victoria's Studio, Gardener's Cottage, Eggleston Hall Gardens, Eggleston, County Durham, DL12 0AG